LNOF Guide to Ibiza
Ibiza is the original party island.
When it comes to the small matter of where to take your best mates for that once-in-a-lifetime pre-wedding knees-up, leave all thoughts of compromise back at the ranch. If you’re planning to dance, drink and generally be merry in the sunshine, then why not head to the island that pretty much invented the hedonistic weekend session. The land of the never-ending happy hour, where no-one will pass a second glance over you having shots with breakfast. Where the nightclubs elbowing each other out of the way for your attention are some of the largest and most famous ‘superclubs’ in the world. But how to steer your particular ship of fools through a chaotic market of cowboy deals and dodgy geezers, we hear you say? Glad you asked…
By far the most popular location for our groups is San Antonio, either in the town itself or somewhere along the beautiful beach-lined bay that it’s located at the end of. You’ll find an extensive range of bars, clubs and restaurants here; dance music behemoths Eden and Es Paradis grab the headlines into the small hours but earlier in the evening the ‘Sunset Strip’ is the only place to be. Groups flock here to San Antonio’s western seafront in their droves to watch perhaps the most famous sunset in the world inch down over the Mediterranean from legendary chillout venues like Café del Mar, Café Mambo and Savannah.

Drinks by the pool all day and parties all night. Ibiza is my spirit animal.
Daryl PattersonSales Executive
Taking on everyone’s favourite Balearic beach paradise need not involve anything stressful or risky on the organiser’s part. The last thing you want is to have those ambient tunes drowned out by the lads griping over badly-located or run-down accommodation. Ibiza is not a place to approach in a slapdash fashion – least of all when you’re taking a set of fellow sun-seekers with you – so put your plans in the hands of a smooth, experienced operator from the off.
Getting sound advice and planning well in advance is not particularly exciting, and perhaps doesn’t match with the devil-may-care attitude that you’re shooting for, but it’s essential to making a weekend in a seasonal location like Ibiza a success. We’ve been doing this for 17 years now, so let us use all of that experience and tactical nous to take the pressure and legwork away from you, then all you have to worry about is whether to go with the neon pink or neon green mankini to force the stag into on the beach.